Managing Expectations as a Music Producer

Every producer wants to create great art and to have their music appreciated by the masses, but the reality is very few of us “make it.” However, that shouldn’t discourage anyone from trying their best. It’s just about managing your expectations and setting realistic goals.

Know Your Limitations

Knowing your limitations is actually one of the first steps towards success in any field. Think about your situation…are you in a place where you can devote full-time (40+ hours/week) to music? If the answer is no, then you are most likely not going to be able to produce at the same rate as someone who can devote that much time. Or maybe you want to begin producing but don’t have the necessary funds to upgrade your headphones or buy new synths. That means you are limited by the tools you have. Knowing those limitations will allow you to understand your current situation and maybe build a more effective plan.

Set Realistic Expectations

If you’re a beginner producer and your goal is to work with the biggest artists on the planet, then you are probably going to be let down quickly. The reality is most people don’t experience this in their lifetime, let alone anywhere near the beginning. As a beginner you should focus exclusively on getting better at your craft and see where that leads you. Maybe one day you’ll be one of the best, but realistically even great musicians don’t usually become internationally renowned artists. That doesn’t you can’t make a living, but becoming one of the biggest names in the industry is not usually a legitimate plan. Think in smaller increments and you’ll find you’ll be able to build your skills at a realistic pace with great results.

Build a Plan

Maybe you’ve set some realistic expectations, but now you have to execute in order to get to your goal. Build a plan that gets you to those goals. Maybe it’s make music everyday, or learn about a new genre, or technique. How many hours does it involve, how quickly can you get there? These are the right questions to ask yourself. Setting realistic goals and building a plan will help you get results quicker and more efficiently.

Enjoy the Process

The reality is that most of life is the process. If you find yourself not enjoying the journey, then ask yourself if it’s really worth continuing at the current pace, or even altogether. That doesn’t mean you need to stop making music, but maybe you need to take a step back and think about why it’s no longer enjoyable. The process of music production should be enjoyable, at least for the most part. It’s ok to sometimes feel stuck or frustrated, but if you don’t enjoy any of it, then you’ll need to reevaluate your current plan.

Find the Right Balance

If you have a lot of obligations (family, work, etc.) then you need to take care of those things first. Don’t make music your #1 priority if it can’t be and make sure you’re devoting the proper amount of time to it relative to your obligations. Maybe you can devote full-time hours, or maybe you can only devote several hours a week, in either case make sure you find the right balance between the priorities in life and your free time.

Music production and becoming a producer is a long journey and no matter where you are in that journey you need a plan and the right mindset. Figure out how much time you can devote, create a plan based around that time and then motivate yourself to get it done. And remember, give yourself time to get better and don’t stress if things don’t come to you quickly. The journey is meant to be enjoyable and hopefully fulfilling.

Synth Designer

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